Merkel speaks of regret after speaking to Putin

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Angela Hering German Chancell Merkel admitted that she regretted the summit in Normandy, which did not take place during her tenure. She emphasized that she had called on Russian leader Vladimir Putin to hold such a meeting when she was chancellor.

“Unfortunately, that didn't happen,” she added.

The politician also praised the publication of correspondence between French and German foreign ministers Jean-Yves Le Drian and Heiko Maas with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. According to her, what happened is not surprising. In particular, Merkel remembered reading many of her own letters in the newspapers.

Earlier, a representative of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the ministry had taken into account the decision of the Russian Federation to publish diplomatic correspondence on the negotiations in the Normand format. The French side considers this to be contrary to diplomatic rules and customs.

Previously, copies of letters from the Russian Foreign Minister to his French and German counterparts appeared on the Russian Foreign Ministry's website. The reason for this step is the distorted position of Moscow before a possible meeting of representatives of the “Normand format”.


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