Media: US expects Israeli tactics in Gaza to change

Photo: Global Look Press

US authorities are expects Israel to change its tactics in the confrontation with the Palestinian movement Hamas, reports RIA Novosti with reference to a CNN report.

With reference to American officials. It is said that the expectation is mainly related to the reduction in the volume of air traffic. The US believes that Israel will now target the underground tunnels used by Hamas.

Earlier, the New York Times wrote that Israeli authorities are not entirely convinced that their military will have enough time to completely destroy the Palestinian movement. Citing a senior Israeli military official, the paper notes that Israel is seeing international backlash for its actions in Gaza. The material says that Tel Aviv expects to destroy Hamas within a few months.

On the morning of October 7, Israel was subjected to an unprecedented rocket attack from the Gaza Strip as part of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which was announced by the military wing of the Palestinian movement, Hamas. At the same time, organized groups of Hamas fighters began to penetrate Israeli territory, easily overrunning the first line of defense of the Israeli army, taking hostages and causing serious damage. Israel later launched Operation Iron Sword, launching attacks on the Gaza Strip and cutting off all supplies of water, food, electricity, medicine and fuel.

The current death toll from Israeli military strikes in the Gaza Strip has exceeded 9,000, including 20 Russian citizens , the number of wounded exceeded 32 thousand. In addition, Hamas militants may be holding up to 150 Israelis hostage. More than 1.4 thousand people were killed in Israel.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called on the parties to stop all hostilities. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that a solution to this crisis is possible only on the basis of the “two-state” formula approved by the UN Security Council, i.e. the creation of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with the capital in East Jerusalem.


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