Marseille News: Russia has prepared an “unprecedented” US response in the Gulf of Mexico

Photos: Still from the video

Russia has decided according to the French edition of Marseille News, an unprecedented maneuver after provocations and NATO exercises near its own borders. It's about sending your own bombers to the Gulf of Mexico.

“With regard to the maneuvers of NATO forces at the border with Russia and also to their actions in the Ukrainian region, Russia has made an unprecedented decision. He intends to send his bombers to patrol the Gulf of Mexico, “the authors of the article emphasize. It is understood that this will be a response to the Alliance's increased activity.

This maneuver should also be seen as a signal to the United States. This means that Russian planes are warning Americans of unwanted hostilities. This situation is reminiscent of the Cold War, when Soviet submarines roamed the waters of the Caribbean Sea. “The Russians are clearly tired of the deployment of NATO troops,” the article said.

But military expert Justin Bronk concluded that Russia had enough forces and resources to “surround” NATO officials.


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