Lukashenko: Belarus will not restrict illegal migrants

Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya

Alexander Lukashenko said Belarus it no longer has the money or the strength to reduce the influx of illegal migrants into EU countries. The head of the republic added that this was largely the result of Western sanctions. Now there will be no one to “protect” the European Union from illegal immigrants.

We are talking about the influx of migrants from Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. They use Belarus as a transit point. Lithuania has felt a new policy in Minsk. The country had to introduce an emergency regime due to the influx of illegal immigrants.

Lithuania has previously stated that it cannot cope with border flows. That is why the European Border and Coast Guard Agency FRONTEX is called for help. Six employees of this organization have already started guarding the borders. From mid-July, their number will increase to 30.

According to Sputnik Lithuania, about 800 illegal migrants tried to join the EU from Belarus in the six months of this year. That's 10 times more than in the whole of last year. Lithuanian Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite has accused Belarusian border guards of helping illegal immigrants.


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