Kommersant: Against the backdrop of Beijing's peace efforts, the US and the EU are reassessing relations with China

“Kommersant”: Against the backdrop of Beijing's peace efforts, the US and the EU are reassessing relations with China

Photo: Global Look Press

Washington and Brussels intend to revise relations with Beijing as part of China's efforts to maintain peace. Kommersant wrote about it.

According to the publication, the focus of Friday's meeting of EU foreign ministers in Stockholm focused on two main topics – “Relations between the EU and China” and “Russia's aggression against Ukraine.” The head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell stated that the EU needs to assess the possibilities of “recalibration” of relations with China.

He stated that China's ambition is to build a new world order with it in the middle. Therefore, even a possible failure of Russia in Ukraine will not be able to affect the trajectory of China's development. China will still be able to reap geopolitical benefits from this turn of events.

The United States is also seeking to improve relations with Beijing. I.

Источник www.mk.ru

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