Johnson's chair swayed from last year's coronavirus party

England introduces COVID passports

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has seldom been consistent in his actions. It is either trying to leave the European Union or it shows an exaggerated responsibility in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, which clearly defies the separatist United Kingdom. And now England intends to introduce COVID passports for the vaccinated. And all this – against the backdrop of last year's scandal that occurred on Downing Street, where diplomats turned out to be loud parties at the height of the pandemic. The position of the head of the British government in this context is rapidly weakening.


The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom addressed the House of Commons on 8 December in the context of a party held in Downing Street on 18 December last year, amid a coronavirus pandemic. Indirect evidence has existed before, but this time it was supported & nbsp; new audio evidence of the event participants. It is noteworthy that on the eve of the Sabbath & # 39; & # 39; diplomats themselves announced the mandatory closure of restaurants and other entertainment venues on December 16 and 17 & ndash; just under the pretext of the danger of spreading a pandemic. According to various sources, they organized another day on Downing Street and performed karaoke, dances and rich alcoholic delights.

The suspicion of MPs and ordinary citizens was fueled by a video that leaked to the network on December 22 last year, in which government employee Allegra Stratton described what was happening a few days ago, not as a party: but as “ just cheese and wine. ' & # 39; Although, even if we take this version of faith, it did not fit into the framework of “sitting at home with your family, & # 39; & # 39; strictly outlined by the authorities.

Johnson is now apparently trying to rehabilitate. On the one hand, he insists that the previous restrictions have taken effect and that it is therefore necessary to continue to act in their direction. On the other hand & mdash; announces the introduction of the covid & nbsp; passports, the presence of which alone will allow citizens to attend large gatherings of people. However, this only applies to the territory of England, not to the whole of the United Kingdom (including Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, which have their own views on ways to combat the pandemic). “ He (Johnson) doesn't dare impose his own restrictions on Wales, the Welsh just won't listen to him, & mdash; said MK Cardiff resident Nicholas Dan. & mdash; We do not like the EU, but it has left it so shamefully that it would be better if it stayed. He has nothing but Brexit behind his soul and is trying to portray a leader. It is ridiculous. & # 39; & # 39;

Now no one can formally influence Johnson, except for British MPs, & mdash; The structures of the European Union no longer have power over London. However, if conservatives who are dissatisfied with the prime minister still enter into a shaky situational alliance with Labor, the prime minister's position may shake and then the situation in Western Europe will change dramatically. Unless Johnson's opponents simply want to take power without fundamentally changing the agenda.

In addition to the sensational party on December 18, 2010, two other diplomatic parties are being discussed. from the same period, the facts of which will be the subject of a parliamentary inquiry, & mdash; it will be headed by Secretary of Parliament Simon Keyes, who has been Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers and Head of the State Department for Home Affairs since 9 September 2020, & mdash; a long-term political politician who survived the reign of both Prime Minister David Cameron and his successor Theresa May. It is unlikely that the matter will be limited to a conviction.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Johnson and his wife Carrie had a daughter & mdash; the second child of a couple who already has a son, Wilfred.


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