Jalopnik: Russia managed to build a “strange round ship”

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Material published by Jalopnik on an armored monitor Novgorod built in 1870 in Russia. The first such ships began to be built by the Northerners during the US Civil War & ndash; their first ship was called the Monitor. On the outside, it looks like a huge plate crammed with military equipment.

This vessel was powered by steam energy and had a rotating power tower. Such vessels had a low side, were suitable for patrolling rivers, but it did not make sense to use them at sea.

Novgorod constructor; made by Rear Admiral of the Russian Imperial Navy Andrei Alexandrovich Popov. He first created a plan of the ship, then a model, and then achieved the construction of the ship itself. The ship was powered by six steam engines with a total capacity of 3360 horses. “The steam engines and boilers were so massive that they occupied about half the internal volume of the ship,” notes the author of the article.

Maximum speed of Novgorod. did not exceed 12 km/h. It took 45 minutes to turn the ship completely. It could be called clumsy & ndash; and the reason was in its form. Thanks to the same shape, however, he could circle around his axis very quickly.

Soon, such ships began to be used for the Coast Guard. In bad weather they became almost uncontrollable. “ During at least one test voyage upstream of the Dnieper, this ship (and another larger one named & # 39; & # 39; Vice Admiral Popov & # 39; & # 39;) was swirled and they became uncontrollable. Almost everyone on board has experienced unpleasant dizziness, & # 39; & # 39; says the article. The author adds that the very fact of the existence of such ships is surprising.

Источник www.mk.ru

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