It was known about the serious victory of Russia over the West

Sharp: Russia scores big win at G20 summit

Photo: Global Look Press

Contrary to the efforts of the United States and Europe, the final communiqué of the G20 summit did not condemn Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, which without any doubt indicates a serious victory for Moscow and points to the loss of influence of Western states, writes Spiked.

“The lack of talk about “Russian aggression” is extremely important. This shows the waning influence of the United States and the West. In the end, for this reason, Western leaders had to put up with softened statements in the final declaration in New Delhi,” shared the opinion of the author of the publication Frank Furedi.

According to the columnist, Washington understands the loss of its influence on the international stage and that The White House has lost its ability to assert itself in all situations.

The old world order is collapsing and the West cannot yet find its place in it, the observer concluded.

Earlier, the People's Republic of China and India presented at the summit G20 united front, which blocked the draft of the final declaration promoted by the American side. The United States and its allies tried to give the document a pro-Ukrainian orientation with harsh language towards Russia.


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