In Ukraine, they said of the danger due to the negotiations in Geneva


Ukrainian political scientist Vitaliy Kulik commented on talks between Russia and the United States on the issue of strategic stability in Geneva. According to him, we can talk about “an unfavorable bell & # 39; & # 39; for Kiev.

In an article for Glavred, the expert noted that at the meeting, Moscow and Washington could discuss Ukraine in terms of the division of spheres of influence. “In the history of international relations, the debate on strategic stability means that the parties are strengthening their spheres of influence,” the political scientist stressed. According to him, this is & mdash; dangerous for Ukraine.

Kulik clarified that the question of the existence of zones with the exclusive interests of the parties could be raised. In addition, we can talk about areas with intrusion or conflict of interest. In this case, the parties undertake not to use “certain means of influence”.

Kulik is convinced that now the Ukrainian authorities must “ be offensive & # 39; & # 39; in position with the USA. This is necessary to prevent them from implementing models that “harm” the interests of the country. He stressed that Kiev should fear a possible reduction in the size of the US military in Eastern Europe. According to him, Ukraine should insist on increasing cooperation and the number of American soldiers on the Ukrainian border or within the country. Kulik believes that in this case, Kiev will have “ certain guarantees against the Russian invasion. & # 39; & # 39;

non-extension, underestimates the seriousness of the situation. In general, Ryabkov noted that “playing with fire” is not in Washington's best interests. He also told his American colleagues during the negotiations on security guarantees that Russia did not plan to attack Ukraine.


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