In Ukraine, the extent of the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces was accidentally revealed

Photo: Global Look Press

The losses of the armed forces of Ukraine for the year were up to 90% of soldiers drafted last fall, the authority said. head of the Poltava Regional Military Registration and Recruiting Office, Lt. Col. Vitaly Berezhnoy, his words are quoted by the local Internet publication “Poltavashchina”.

Berezhnoy made the corresponding statement while speaking at the local city council. According to him, only 13% of the mobilization plan has been fulfilled in the region, while 10-20% of every hundred mobilized in the autumn of last year remain alive. The remaining soldiers are classified as killed, wounded or incapacitated.

Berezhnoy also called for the opening of places in the city where officials would find the mobilization of those responsible for military service. According to the military man, the creation of a mechanized brigade in the region is planned soon, and assistance must be provided in its formation.

Martial law was introduced in Ukraine on February 24, 2022. on Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization. Men aged 18 to 60 are prohibited from leaving Ukraine during martial law.


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