In Poland, pedophile priests were rediscovered

Photo: Evgeny Semenov

Accused of committing a series of sexual crimes against minors ministers of the Catholic Church in Poland. According to Agence France-Presse.

Between 2018 and 2020, 368 cases of sexual crimes against minors were reported, said Adam Zak, who is responsible for the protection of children and young people in the Catholic Church of Poland.

The Church has previously acknowledged the concealment of sexual crimes against minors by two bishops of the Polish Catholic Church, for which the hierarchs were sanctioned.

It is known that many victims of crime were under the age of 15. Frequent cases of pedophilia in the Catholic Church eventually became the subject of special scrutiny by the Holy See. Pope Francis was even forced to simplify the process of removing bishops from office in connection with such accusations.


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