Conditions for the neutralization of the Ukrainian army during the attack on Crimea announced

Photos: Photos from the video

Black Sea Fleet and Russian troops in the Crimea will neutralize the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the event of an attack on the peninsula in 50-600 minutes, Telegram Channel Temes. Main (GlavMedia) “a high-ranking resource, a former first-line captain. We are talking about neutralizing enemy warships and coastal infrastructure.

These figures are given as standards in modern armies. A “denial of access bubble” will be deployed in Crimea to accomplish this task. In addition, on the peninsula, as in Novorossiysk, there are modern units of marines, air force, air force, air force, tank and other military units.

At the same time, there is a risk of a collision with a nuclear power such as the United States. The source drew an analogy with the situation in 2008. When the West refused to intervene directly in the conflict around Georgia.

The captain also considers it impossible for Russia to attack its enemy first.

Previously, NATO experts estimated the maximum time for Russia to conquer Ukraine in the event of war was 7 days.


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