Captured major of the armed forces of Ukraine spoke about looting under the guise of the Russian army in Mariupol

AFU soldiers disguised as Russian soldiers in Mariupol engaged in looting and tried to create panic among the local population. This was confirmed to RIA Novosti by the deputy commander of the first separate battalion of the marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Major Mykola Mishchenko. He is imprisoned.

According to Mishchenko, groups of 10-12 people raided the city. “They put on white ribbons, imitated the enemy, roughly speaking, and went out with the goal of destabilizing, as I understand it, intelligence data, destabilizing the overall situation, panicking the local population, because it is not clear who is coming. and carrying out looting actions,” – said Mishchenko.

The major also emphasized that soldiers from the jet battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine threw grenades at cellars and buildings and shot them with RPGs without looking. without checking if civilians were there.

Mariupol was liberated by Russian troops together with DLR and LPR forces in mid-May. The city was severely destroyed during the fighting. The investigative committee estimated the damage caused by the actions of the armed forces of Ukraine at 46 billion rubles.


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