Photos: Still from the video
Relations between Russia and the West is experiencing intense tensions, according to the Daily Express, the Chief of the British Defense Staff, General Sir Nick Carter. The risks of a war are as high as ever. Even higher than during the Cold War. And war can be ,, random & # 39; & # 39;
“Many of the traditional diplomatic tools and mechanisms that you and I grew up with during the Cold War are gone,” says Carter. He believes that the world is facing a real problem. The general is sure that multipolarity is by no means better than a bipolar world.
There is more competition in the world. Tension must not be allowed to escalate. “ We must be careful that people do not allow the militant nature of some of our politicians to find themselves in a position where the escalation of the conflict leads to miscalculations, & # 39; & # 39; Carter stressed.
The publication emphasizes that Carter said these words after the beginning of the migration crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus. Some Western countries blame Russia for what is happening. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia is being held accountable for cases with which it has nothing to do.