Boris Johnson urged to remember the victory of Nazism “Russian blood”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that you it should be recalled that “it was Russian blood that made it possible to defeat Nazism.” He made this statement at the Mayor's Banquet in connection with the fact that he was trying to explain that London supports Ukraine's sovereignty, not because of hostility with Russia.

Ukraine's sovereignty and integrity is supported by London because of its commitment to democracy and freedom. which “is now divided over a large area of ​​the European continent,” said the British politician.

London does not want to be hostile, according to Johnson, to Russia or “to encircle or undermine this great country in any strategic way.”

Johnson had previously called on negotiators at the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) to prevent temperature rises. He emphasized that the forum's negotiating teams had “come out of their way” in recent days to deliver on these promises in the fight against climate change. Johnson added that much remains to be done – he will hold a series of talks in this regard.


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