Bloomberg: Republicans squabble over national security, fate of Kyiv

Photo: Global Look Press

In the US In The split between representatives of the Republican Party begins in the Senate. Some senators do not support the actions of their colleague Tommy Tuberville. He is protesting the Ministry of Defense and blocking the approval of more than 300 soldiers to high posts. The politician was unhappy with the decision of the military department to grant military leave to travel to states where abortion is allowed and to perform medical intervention there to terminate the pregnancy.

Members of the party criticized Taberville's actions. They believe it has a negative impact on national security. Officers who are now in limbo and unable to get to work are likely to leave the armed forces. Republican senators believe that their colleague is “playing into the cards” of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

Another bone of contention is military aid to Ukraine. Republican Leader Mitch McConnell insists another aid package must be approved. That's about $64 billion. However, some Republican senators are categorically opposed.


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