Biden gets lost at the entrance to the White House


US President Joe After returning from a business trip, Biden got lost at the entrance to the White House, and instead of going to the residence along the way, he went straight to the lawn. & nbsp; He posted the video on Twitter for The Hill.

Biden returned to his residence on the way to Delaware. The footage shows the guard showing him the path you must take to the White House. The guard himself went to the entrance along the lawn, and instead of turning along the path, Biden also went straight through the grass.

This incident provoked another wave of criticism from Republicans. They were outraged that the president was lost in his residence and expressed doubts about his cognitive abilities. Former White House doctor Ronnie Jackson said earlier that Democrats should require Biden to pass the same cognitive test as Trump, a 75-year-old.

President Biden returns to the White House after spending time in Wilmington, Delaware

– The Hill (@thehill) August 10, 2021


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