Azerbaijan handed over to Yerevan 15 Armenians sentenced to imprisonment


Armenia handed over a map of the Azerbaijan mine to Fizuli and Zangilan. This was done through Russia's mediation. In response, Baku handed over 15 Armenian citizens sentenced to prison by Yerevan, “ whose sentences have expired.“

According to the press service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, Baku handed over maps to about 92,000 anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. They also expressed their gratitude to Rustam Muradov, who commands the Russian peacekeeping contingent temporarily stationed in Azerbaijan.

Baku claims that obtaining mining maps “ will save the lives of tens of thousands“; Azerbaijanis, including engineers. It will also speed up the implementation of construction and reconstruction projects in the “ liberated areas', as well as the process of returning internally displaced persons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke earlier on Direct Line, stressing that neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan are interested in Karabakh. He also recalled that Russia had played a role in addressing the recent crisis in the region.


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