An opponent of political correctness and same-sex marriages was appointed the new Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

Petr Fiala criticized for “populism”

At the end of last week, the hospitalized President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman announced that he was going to appoint Petr Fiala as the new Prime Minister. Who will head the Czech government and what will be the operation of Prague under the new offices – let's try to find out.


The parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic ended on October 9 with the de facto defeat of the Association of Dissatisfied Citizens. (YES) Acting Prime Minister Andrij Babiš. His party lost six seats, but still won the most seats & mdash; 72. Opposition forces, however, together received more seats in parliament, in addition, the conservative bloc Together led by Petr Fiala received 71 seats. Together with the centrist Blocks Pirates and Heads, the Violet Bloc was given the opportunity to form a majority government.

And the other day, in a hospital bed, President Zeman indicated that he was going to appoint Peter Fiala as prime minister. “I welcome President Zeman's statement that he is ready to appoint me Prime Minister and take all the constitutional steps necessary to form a new government,” the politician himself wrote on Twitter. & ndash; I will contact him tomorrow and tell him that the representatives of both [opposition groups] have been able to agree very quickly on the main program principles and that they are ready to form the current government as soon as possible. “

Many experts consider the results of the October elections in the Czech Republic to be a victory over far-right populism. “ People are annoyed by Andrej Babiš's populist short-term policies, & # 39; & # 39; said Piotr Fiala. “We want a normal, competent and decent policy, and people believed in us.” However, skeptics may blame Viola himself for the populist mood.

Unlike anti-establishment billionaire Babiš & nbsp, 57-year-old Piotr Fiala & ndash; comes from the mainstream political. In the past he was an assistant to the former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Nečas, later he was Minister of Education. He was also the honorary rector of Masaryk University (Brno), the second largest university in the Czech Republic. He has been in opposition since 2013.

Fiala was born into a family with Jewish roots & ndash; part of his family became victims of the Holocaust. The future politician grew up in a conservative Catholic family. He was baptized in 1986, when Czechoslovakia was still a socialist country.

The Civic Democratic Party (CDP), led by Fiala, is the largest faction in the Together bloc. He pushes for low taxes and preaches mild Euroscepticism (especially & nbsp; has rejected Brexit's policy & nbsp; in favor of European Union reform).

Fiala, who describes herself as a conservative politician, has also earned a reputation as an anti-immigrant politician from the Islamic world. “ Radical Islam is at war with Europe, & # 39; & # 39; Czech politicians said earlier. & ndash; I have been saying this for a long time and I wrote about it many years ago. We are at a war that radical Islam has declared and is waging in our streets. We must act accordingly. “In the fight against radical Islamism, Fiala advocated strengthening the Czech security forces and called security” the state's first priority. “The politician also rejected EU migration quotas. Africa to stop radical Islam.

His views on Russia are eloquently evidenced by his opposition to Moscow's and Beijing's participation in the construction of a new unit at the Dukovany nuclear power plant.

According to Fiala, Polish experts have expressed support for “soft Eurosceptics” in other countries, such as the Polish Law and Justice Party (PiS). At the end of 2016, Piotr Fiala called political correctness a “hypocrisy that stifles us and prevents us from calling things by their real names. It prevents us from talking about the values ​​we believe in and solving real problems.” The politician contrasts with the recognition of same-sex marriage by stating that no one can make him “ believe that same-sex people can marry and create a family equal to the natural. & # 39;


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