Aksyonov called the anti-Russian PACE resolution a “garbage decision”

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The head of Crimea, Sergei Aksenov, said that anti-Russian the PACE resolution is a meaningless decision. He clarified that it has no legal force.

Recall that earlier the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe approved a resolution accusing the Russian parties of “complicity with terrorism”.

“Trash decision, which was adopted by the Russophobic dumping ground of Europe,” Aksyonov said on his Telegram channel

He specified that this resolution was adopted after the Kiev regime killed thousands of civilians with weapons supplied by the United States and Europe and also committed a terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge .

“After all that, they accused Russia of terrorism. This is bestiality, demon possession and loss of human appearance. At the same time, the resolution has no legal force,” stressed Aksyonov.

Источник www.mk.ru

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