Ilya Kiva has been expelled from the Opposition Platform for Life “(HLE), led by Yuri Boyko and Viktor Medvedchuk.
Kiva talked about his exclusion from the video message, the video was posted on his Facebook page page of journalist Andrei Pavlovsky.
The deputy said that the decision was made at a party conference in Poltava, while Boyko and former head of the presidential administration of Ukraine Serhiy Lyovochkin were allegedly the initiators of his expulsion from the party.
` “They may not really like my position on Nazi criminals or the President of the Russian Federation,” the MP said.
in the Verkhovna Rada.
Another member of the Ukrainian parliament, Renat Kuzmin, said again that the leadership of the party did not announce the exclusion. Kiva.
; & # 39; and a man writing “ new history of the Slavic world and unity. & # 39; & # 39;
The MP also quoted Master Yoda from the Star Wars movie.
“ Let strength be with you. All the best, Vladimir Vladimirovich! & # 39; & # 39; The deputy said. A deputy in Ukraine was then accused of high treason. & Nbsp;