A Russian opposition politician said of his wife's “chemical” poisoning with tea

Photo: Social Networks

Opposition politician from Irkutsk Alexey Tupitsyn said, “Siberia. Realia ”(recognized by a foreign agent) that his wife Věra Kuzaková showed signs of chemical poisoning after being transported to Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport on October 4 after drinking tea.

Tupitsyn and Kuzakova were returning from Poland from a conference of human rights activists. On the plane from Moscow to Irkutsk, the woman showed signs of poisoning – blisters appeared, the temperature rose. I had to resort to the help of doctors, they advised me to go to a private clinic. A dropper was installed for Kuzak. “My opinion is that Věra” got “a glass for me,” says the politician. As evidence, Tupitsyn posted a photo of his wife's hands on Facebook.

Tupitsyn believes that all this is related to the investigation he is conducting in relation to the local oil company.

It is worth noting that in Poland, Tupitsyn met with fugitive Russian opposition members. He was previously a candidate for the State Duma of Yablok. He was arrested in April of this year after holding an unauthorized assembly, after which he went on a hunger strike, and later doctors found out that he was drunk and had high blood pressure.

Источник www.mk.ru

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