A representative of the State Duma explained the death of those who were mobilized in Yelan

Photo: Global Look Press

Elan is concentrated a large number of mobilized people of various physical abilities and ages. Therefore, no one is immune to accidents. This is how State Duma deputy Maxim Ivanov explained the high mortality of conscripts in the village. Let us remind you that three conscripts died in the camp, one died after being sent home.

According to him, there are similar cases elsewhere, they are just not advertised like this. The deputy explained that combat training was taking place in the village. The mobilized train dug trenches, fired, threw grenades, conducted combat coordination. All of this requires some physical effort.

“Even those who have a 'good' status but have some problems go to the first aid station. Yesterday we were in Yelan, there were about 30 people waiting in line for a doctor,” Ivanov elaborated.

According to him, the first two deaths were related to excessive alcohol consumption. After that, its sales were restricted. One store completely stopped selling alcohol, the other sells this type of product only from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., when the conscripts are already in tents.

See also: “A mobilized brother died in Novosibirsk”

Источник www.mk.ru

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