A public council under the Ministry of Defense visited the Crimean garrisons

They controlled living conditions and medical supplies

In recent years, a full-fledged group of soldiers has been formed in the Crimea, which reliably protects the peninsula and its inhabitants from any threats. Troops are needed because Kiev politicians and generals regularly make threats to the Crimeans. How they serve soldiers and officers in the Crimea, their living conditions – all this was interested in a delegation of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense, which visited the Crimean garrisons for the first time. The MK correspondent accompanied public figures on this journey.

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Sharp topics – Chernomortsev

City of Russian sailors, handsome Sevastopol. The air is saturated with the scent of the sea. In the bay are silhouettes of warships. For the inhabitants of Sevastopol – a familiar picture.

According to tradition, the visit of public figures to the military began with discussions on key issues – how Black Sea sailors live, what they need is all good in everyday life. Is due attention paid to veterans and the young generation? Representatives of the Black Sea Fleet Command report without embellishment: there are problems with the housing stock, it needs to be updated. Work in progress.

But the citizens of Sevastopol can be justifiably proud of the military-patriotic education of young people. Each school has a detachment of young soldiers. Veterans provide significant assistance in this matter. Sevastopol is an example of interaction between the military department, veteran organizations and educational authorities. The city has always been known for its initial military training.

Medical issues were also discussed. You can't get around them for a hard time for everyone. In the Black Sea Fleet, everyone is 100% vaccinated, only six people are ill, said representatives of the command. Military doctors are ready to provide assistance to the civilian population. The hospital has 270 beds for patients with covid. Air units began transporting oxygen to civilian medical facilities in Sevastopol and the peninsula.

We also touched on other sensitive topics. Chairman of the Sevastopol Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces, Retired Colonel Vladimir Klyuev turned to public figures for help in resolving the issue of pension payments.

– Veterans The Black Sea Fleet is concerned about unresolved issues related to the payment of insurance pensions. We have five or even six times lower pensions than members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who accepted Russian citizenship in 2014.

The chairman of the public council, the editor-in-chief of the Ministry of Culture, Pavel Gusev, promised the veteran that he would draw the attention of the Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, to this problem.

All at the right time

Nakhimov Black Sea College is the alma mater of those who love the sea and who have decided to dedicate their lives to it. Within its walls, a large department of officers was trained for the Navy, naval units of border units, the main intelligence directorate, as well as for military research institutes and other law enforcement agencies.

Graduates served on submarines, surface ships, in coastal missile and artillery units, in the regiments of rocket naval aviation, engaged in military science and training. Many of them became great military leaders.

For example, the Hero of the Soviet Union, Admiral Anatoly Sorokin, was the first to lead a division of Soviet nuclear submarines under ice in the Arctic.

Vice Admiral Anatoly Shevchenko is the commander of the 9th Squadron of the Nuclear Submarines of the Northern Fleet, for his courage and heroism shown in long campaigns he was nominated four times for the title Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation

A graduate of the ChVVMU, Admiral Lori Kuzminová, after a long diplomatic service abroad, led a college for the training of Soviet military intelligence officers. An unprecedented case in the history of the USSR Armed Forces.

There are countless all worthy. I am sure that future admirals are now sitting on school desks, whose names will definitely go down in history. Most of these boys are, after all, the successors of the sea dynasties, and they have the concept of officer's honor in their blood.

Third year cadet sailor Alexey Ponylyak shares his story. I went to school “in the footsteps of my father and grandfather”, I graduated from cadet school before ChVVMU.

– I have more than one generation of sailors in my family. So I decided to continue the dynasty.

The cadet said the boys first lived in barracks, then the older students moved to a hostel. The boys see civic life only in dismissal, and even then – in the absence of “flights” in the service and school arrears. They do not complain about problems, if there is military resilience, then all tasks are on the shoulder. Alexei answers my question about whether it is difficult to study in a purely male team without hesitation.

– Girls distract from studying. Everything has it's time.

The cadet talks about his first boat trip with one breath. From Sevastopol we went for two days to Novorossiysk, then we made the transition to the town of Baltiysk, from there to Kronstadt and back to Sevastopol. For the whole journey – the moon.

– Time flew fast, – the future officer shares. – I would like to go.

– I believe that if you choose a person to start a family, you should be sure of him. And if you're sure, then it'll wait.

In addition to compatriots, representatives of other countries also learn the basics of marine sciences at the school. Public council members attended one of these classrooms. Foreigners who saw foreigners, and even with cameras and dictaphones, rose noticeably and willingly answered questions from public figures and journalists.

A fourth-year cadet from Angola said he entered the school “not from a citizen.” At home, the young man served in the armed forces for a year and a half. It is necessary – that is, it is necessary, that is why it is a service.

– I teach Russian and foreign cadets, – said the associate professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics – They come from different countries These are most often representatives of Vietnam, Angola and Guinea, classroom communication is in Russian, the conditions are the same for everyone.

The teacher explained that initially all foreign students take Russian language courses. If there are still gaps in the learning process, then there is always an opportunity to improve knowledge.

Despite the fact that future sailors live most of the time on land, the names of their spaces are “sea”. To get used to it right away. Not a room, but a cabin. In each compartment for accommodation and quarters for general meetings and tea drinking. But the mystery remains why the toilets were never renamed latrines. No one answered this question.

Ship Match Order

The unique frigate “Admiral Makarov” is in service with the Black Sea Fleet. It was launched in 2015 and on December 27, 2017, a naval flag was hoisted on it. This day is considered the birthday of the ship. The crew consists of 175 people. A team that equals the newest ship. Although young, she has already experienced Syria with experience. There are no conscripts on this ship, only contract soldiers.

The recruits no longer serve on new ships. The old ones still remain, the sailors said.

The frigate is designed to conduct combat operations against enemy submarines and surface ships, strikes on coastal targets and repel air attacks. There are two helicopters on board in the hangars, anti-submarine and search and rescue.

The ship's equipment is state-of-the-art. Against air targets – 24 anti-aircraft missiles of the Shtil-1 complex. The range is up to 50 kilometers for all targets, including supersonic. There are eight guided missiles of the multipurpose complex Kalibr-NK.

By the way, this latest ship is located exactly on the pier, from which Janissary from the movie “72 meters” led his unit, which refused to take the Ukrainian oath.

As the sailors said, the frigate is constantly involved in combat service in the Mediterranean. The longest trip for “Makarov” was seven and a half months.

– Yes, almost everyone lives, that's true. But not us. After all, you know how it happens, some sailor brings a cat and she stays. And then a full-fledged member of the crew, everyone feeds her, respects her. Nobody has brought it to our ship yet.

Public Council under the Ministry of Defense visited frigate “Admiral Makarov”: photo

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While the crew watches the performances of the artists who came with the Public Council, there is a boat trip for the guests. The vessel, 125 meters long and 15 meters wide, cannot be bypassed quickly, so the sailors showed the most basic.

The visit of the log cabins was especially interesting. Sleeping places on three floors. The inhabitants of the upper one must be especially careful. The ceiling is so low that just one awkward movement is enough and you can hit it with your head. And yet, when I board the ship again, I involuntarily point out the order in which it is everywhere! Everything is in place, nothing superfluous, cleanliness. Pure joy.

The time spent on board passed quickly, and by the time we returned to the deck, it was getting dark. The gray hulks against the background of the yellow-orange sunset look even more fascinated than in daylight. Perhaps it is at such moments that artists and poets draw inspiration from nature.

“Minister's assignment completed”

The final day of the journey of social activists to the Black Sea Fleet. The alarm clock on your smartphone keeps telling you it's time to get up. Another busy day awaits us. I love hotels for coffee and cheesecakes. It doesn't seem to be anything special, but there's some kind of romance in it. Twenty minutes for breakfast and now we rush to Naval Hospital # 1472. It was founded in 1783 and is the same age as the city of heroes Sevastopol and the Black Sea Fleet. The Crimean War, the First World War and the horrors of the Great Patriotic War fell to many military doctors.

A commemorative sign on a white wall: “Here in 1942, hospital personnel were injured and shot by Nazi invaders. Eternal memory for the heroes. ”

After an excursion around the department – handing over unforgettable gifts from the public council and warm words to the employees.

And on the road again.

City of Saki. Historians still argue about the origin of his name, one thing is known for sure: Saki is one of the oldest settlements on the Crimean peninsula. Testimonies from ancient writers and scientists, as well as archaeological excavations, confirm that the area has been inhabited since a very distant time.

Salt mud lakes, mild climate, mineral water … It is no wonder that this is where the military clinical sanatorium Saki named after Pirogov, which has been the largest and most famous spa in the resort for almost two centuries.

The head of the sanatorium, Igor Dovgan, proudly stated that the team is one of the most respected in Russia. Thanks to the introduction of advanced technologies, the staff is constantly in a “live” dialogue with patients, listening to their opinions and wishes.

– We fulfilled the task of the Minister of Defense and became the best in Russia. Now we will try to become the best in the world, “Dovgan summed up his speech.

It was not possible to experience all the health benefits of the sanatorium, there is no time for that. It's a shame.

We have a way back to Moscow.

Military sanatoriums in Crimea have shown exemplary treatment

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