A crowd of migrants knocked down a fence on the Polish-Belarusian border

Photos: Photos from the video

A group of refugees, who attacked the border between Belarus and Poland, knocked down the fence. They have shovels and wire cutters in their hands. Some are armed with pieces of trees. As the Telegram-channel SHOT writes, Poles react with tear gas.

It has previously been reported that illegal migrants who have arrived at the Polish border from Belarus are trying to attack the barriers. In particular, they are trying to cut barbed wire with strengthening shears.

According to some information, a total of about 1,500 refugees have gathered in Grodno. They are not allowed to cross border crossings, so migrants regularly break down barbed wire barriers and try to overcome them with fallen trees and poles.

Crowd of illegal immigrants on the Belarusian-Polish border was viewed from the air

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