Provocative question: how to calculate the warmonger between Ukraine and Russia

A simple and effective way to expose the aggressor

Europe is haunted by the spirit, especially in the part where Russia and Ukraine are concerned. The spirit of provocation, a spark that could ignite the fire of a great war. At least Russian-Ukrainian, and even not at all, as some fear (and not entirely without reason), World War III. Today, the word “provocation” does not leave the language of diplomats, experts and journalists on both sides of the barricades dividing the world.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

The parties agreed that the aggressor, whoever it was, would need some artificial pretext to turn the confrontation into a hot phase. But with potential customers and interpreters, of course, there is no possible provocation to unity.

And it is very likely that unity will not exist even after the spark ignites. God forbid, of course, but as the well-known principle says: hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. And, of course, when one starts a war, each side will blame the other. How to find out the truth here, how to find out who is who?

A good recipe was suggested some time ago by a well-known Russian evening girl. The idea was born during a discussion between a television propaganda ace and an expert from Ukraine. “There may be a surplus of performers,” the Ukrainian expert said. – And how do we find out who broke? And if someone launches a third one tomorrow, or is there a provocation that blows up the situation? How do we find out who started it first. ”

The answer was, “It's very simple. Who writes history? The winners write the history. That's what you have to understand. “

The evening showman is right. Of course, history is written by the winners and it really puts everything in its place – it distributes “to whom shame, to whom shame and to whom immortality”. But we are not talking about a tactical, momentary, but strategic, historical victory in every sense, which, it is said, must still live. And unfortunately, not everyone will survive if such “booze” continues.

So we need to come up with some other, faster way to control. Express test. Great, of course, is the temptation to move away from official statements. But this is a false path: the words of politicians – especially current, tactical winners, winners of the hour – are a very weak help in this matter. They just confuse him.

Let's recall, for example, the well-known circumstances of the beginning of the previous world war. The beginning was preceded by Operation Canned, organized and carried out by special services of Nazi Germany, which was to justify the impending attack of the Third Reich on Poland.

Her most famous episode is the so-called Gleiwitz incident, when SS men dressed in Polish military uniforms “captured” a radio station on the German border in Gleiwitz and broadcast an anti-German call in Polish.

Then, of course, the “Poles” were “expelled” from Gleiwitz. Naturally with “losses”: the role of dead “Polish saboteurs” was played by concentration camp prisoners who were killed in advance and dressed accordingly. In SS jargon, they were called cans – hence the name of the operation.

According to the same scheme the attack of “Poles” on the customs point, railway station, forestry and a number of other border facilities was arranged according to the same scheme. It all happened on August 31, 1939.

A few days earlier, on August 22, Hitler had told his generals, “I give you a propaganda casus belli. Its truth is irrelevant. No one asks if he is telling the truth. ”It's time to shake: The Führer's argument painfully resembles that of our state propagandist. But let's say it's a coincidence.

The next morning after the canning was unpacked, the German armed forces attacked along the entire length of the Polish border. Hours later, Hitler spoke at the Reichstag. “Last night, Polish soldiers fired on our territory for the first time,” Fuhrer said. “We returned fire by 5:45, now we will face bombs.” Most of Hitler's speech was devoted to his fight for peace: “It is a lie when the world says they want to bring about change by force. I have repeatedly proposed to reconsider these unbearable conditions (created by the Treaty of Versailles – A.K.). As you know, all these proposals have been rejected … '

After all, many fell into this shameless propaganda lie. Including, unfortunately, our country. For example, the beginning of World War II was presented in the documentary “Liberation” (1940, directed by Alexander Dovzhenko): “The Polish government fulfilled the will of the British imperialists and dragged the people into a catastrophic war, and after 10 days the artificial Polish state was gone.”

Almost a year has passed since Dovzhenko's screen release, and after the outbreak of World War, almost two before it became clear: the real warmongers were not “inflated Polish gentlemen” to whom their aggressive overseas patrons did. but Germany “seeking peace”. And the hated “English imperialists” are, in fact, our friends and loyal allies.

In short, not ours, that's the wrong way – faith in the official statement. But who is ours? The question is, of course, debatable. But we dare to offer our own solution – in our opinion it is quite logical. And most importantly – very simple. There is no need to calculate and find out, to waste time and effort searching for insiders, top secret documents and witnesses.

Everything is clear, everything is clear: whose soldiers will be on foreign soil immediately after the provocation, he and who is instigator of war. Thus, if Ukrainian troops appear on the territory of Russian regions bordering Ukraine and/or on this side of the dividing line in Donbas, on the territory of DPR/LPR, then no matter how Zelensky et al. they are crucified in their peace, no one will be deceived by this: of course, who will be the aggressor.

The possibility of attacking in the opposite direction, “from here,” is, of course, completely unthinkable. We are for peace. But for the sake of purity and universality of the theory, let us also: yes, the Russian flag over Mariupol, Kharkov, Kiev will again mean that it is our tanks that have “followed the truth.”

Any of these scenarios can be described as a spacious Russian word, whose censored version: “tryndets”. And the fact that such a result ends the propaganda story is, to put it mildly, a very faint consolation. But there will still be no more in this situation.


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