Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov in Telegram – The channel clarified that he had expressed his views on Ukraine as a blogger and an ordinary person, and not as the head of the country's region.
he would have taken Ukraine a long time ago. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in connection with the Chechen head's statement that Vladimir Putin laid the foundations for the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, of which Chechnya was a part.
In addition, Kadyrov in the case of terrorism in Syria, “Russia must protect its interests until it has to defend them on its own territory,” and if there are no people in Ukraine who can resist the United States, “then we must help them.”
> < According to him, the Kremlin does not give him any instructions for expressing certain theses. Kadyrov added that if he needed to speak as the region's leader, he would say, "I say this, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov."