Blinken negotiated with Zelenský in Kiev

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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken holds talks with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky. According to Interfax-Ukraine, they discussed alleged Russian intentions to attack Nezalezhnay.

During the talks, Blinken told Zelenysky about Washington's signals to Moscow. According to him, if the Russian Federation chooses aggression against Ukraine, then “it will have serious consequences that will follow not only from the United States, but also from Europe.”

between Kiev and Washington.

19. The head of the US State Department arrived in Ukraine in January. And on January 21, he will go to Geneva, Switzerland to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. They will discuss areas of common interest. Blinken also intends to “urge Russia to take steps to de-escalate and withdraw its troops along the Ukrainian border.”


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