Zyuganov announced the Russophobic policy of the Kazakh authorities

Photo: Alexander Astafiev

Gennady Communist Party Chairman Zyuganov said that the Russian people had greatly contributed to the development of Kazakhstan. At the same time, however, according to him, many representatives of the non-title nation have left this republic in recent years.

And now special attention must be paid to the Russian issue. In an interview with the “Moscow-speaking” radio station, he pointed out that in the past, “Russians and Kazakhs were divided almost equally” in the republic – just over six million.

He recalled that “more than three million have fled.” The Russians, Germans, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars left. “This absolute Russophobic policy is extremely dangerous,” Zyuganov said.

The politician pointed out that the whole of northern Kazakhstan was in many ways rebuilt by the Russians, who came “and created cities, industrial facilities, built and equipped everything.” … In general, as the Communist Party leader said. The Russian Federation, the Russian authorities should pay attention to the situation in the countries of the former USSR and draw conclusions and also take measures.

Earlier, the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, noted that The experience gained during the CSTO joint exercises, as well as the deployment of Russian troops in Syria and the Nagorno-Karabakh peacekeeping contingent, helped the air operation, and said that the Ministry of Defense had organized return flights for Russian citizens from Kazakhstan. 1 719 people.

Источник www.mk.ru

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