The 1st position captain evaluated the actions of Russian aviation during NATO exercises

“Demonstration of the power we have”

NATO and Ukrainian crews – participants in the NATO Sea Breeze – 2021 maneuvers, now taking place in the Black Sea, had to fear the heavenly roar of Russia yesterday fighter jets. NATO sailors have apparently not yet forgotten the words of Vladimir Putin, who said during a recent “straight line” when the Russian president did not rule out that the British destroyer Defender could be sunk for violating our borders.

Photo: Alex Beltyukov.

After such a warning, about a dozen Russian fighters and bombers that appeared near NATO ships were perceived by Sea Breeze participants as no humorous threat. A military expert said about what our aircraft had demonstrated in the area of ​​NATO exercises.

According to the official version of the Russian military department, the naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet and the Southern Military District conducted routine combat training flights over the Black Sea. They were attended by an amphibious aircraft Be-12, & nbsp; multipurpose fighters Su-30SM and front bombers Su-24M, fighter bombers Su-34 and fighter Su-27. The composition of the forces is, as you can see, very convincing. & Nbsp;

And what did our pilots solve with this song? The military will, of course, answer: standard combat missions. Maybe you're right. However, after Vladimir Putin's words about how the provocation of the British destroyer Defender in the Black Sea could have ended, the picture of the exercise looks more like a full-fledged model for those who are particularly boring.

The fact is that our aircraft alternately, sometimes in pairs, sometimes individually, conducting a combat course, trained missile and bomb attacks against targets mimicking the separation of surface ships of a conventional enemy. It was designed by large landing craft “ Saratov & # 39; & # 39; and “ Orsk & # 39; & # 39 ;.

Of course, it would be much more likely to do without imitations if, for example, direct participants in the Sea Breeze & mdash; British destroyer Defender or Dutch frigate Evertsen. But they have already tried. They didn't like it.

The Defender's crew barely threw off their legs, and British Defense Chief Nicholas Carter now complains to the British press that he is not sleeping at night, analyzing “this miscalculation” and the “unreasonable escalation.”

& ndash; V & ndash; there is no secret explained by a military expert, Captain 1st Position Vladimir Gundarov, & ndash; that the exercise of our aviation, taking place simultaneously with & nbsp; Sea Breeze, & ndash; it is a demonstration of the power we have. We do not reveal any special secrets here, but at the same time we show that we can do a lot in this area. & Nbsp;

And by the way, not only in this area. Just yesterday, Washington decided to strengthen its grouping in the Pacific Ocean after we did an exercise & ndash; a number of Western media now write about him & ndash; literally 50 km from Hawaii. This is the kind of response we have to NATO's sea breeze in our Black Sea. And the answer is very unpleasant, because our “Hawaiian” exercises were conducted in close coordination with China, which was also emphasized by the Prime Minister of Japan.

Well, the fact that we did our air drills there in the Black Sea, which “ coincidentally coincided & # 39; & # 39 ;; with their Sea Breeze maneuvers there is nothing special. What if we Europeans and Americans have the same cycles of military training the same? So everything is going according to plan. We and they have proven our abilities. Not only military, but also political. Ours seem to be better.


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