Ukrainian naval weaknesses were ridiculed on the web on Navy Day

“Ukraine has only two allies – the British fleet and the NATO army”

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenský arrived in Odessa on July 4 to celebrate Naval Forces Day “Square”. Zelensky spoke to the sailors and said that Turkey would build a corvette for Ukraine and supply unmanned vehicles to Bayraktar.

Photo: Still from the video

Recently, the US Congressional Research Service published a report on the state of the Ukrainian army. US scientists have noted that despite the significant improvement in the arms situation in connection with NATO supplies and US assistance, Ukraine's military equipment still needs to be modernized. Some of Ukraine's aircraft and air defense systems are more than 30 years old. That means they are Soviet weapons.

US scientists have also noted strong corruption in the Ukrainian defense industry. About 5% of Ukraine's GDP is spent on security, but only half is actually allocated to the purchase of new weapons.

Twitter users reacted to the unpleasant situation of the Ukrainian Navy on the occasion of the holiday. So Valentina Khildeb wrote: “The US military is preparing to move the Ukrainian navy from up to three ships … By the end of this year, three US ships will be handed over to Ukrainian sailors. Well, now they will have something to fight at sea! & # 39; & # 39;

One user paraphrased the words of the Russian Tsar: “ Ukraine has only two allies & ndash; the British fleet and the NATO army. & # 39; & # 39; do exercises with them? Admit that you (NATO and Ndash; “ MK & # 39; & # 39; ) do not need Ukraine itself, but its territory to place military bases there! & # 39; & # 39;

User with nickname “; Petro Makovei & # 39; & # 39; wrote: “ Stop talking about it, no one will build a fleet for us. They simply sell their discarded ships at exorbitant prices and that's it! Just as the slaughtered and useless Saxons were sold (British Saxon armored personnel carriers AT105 transferred to Ukraine in 2014) at the most difficult time for Ukraine. Only fools can trust this shit! & # 39; & # 39;


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