A French naval electronic reconnaissance ship entered the Sea of ​​Japan

A photo of a French eastern vessel appeared nearby Russia's borders … Forces and resources of the Eastern Military District control the actions of the electronic reconnaissance vessel of the French Navy Dupuy de Lome (A759) in the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan.

The ship was spotted the day before in the Japanese port of Hakodate. The channel Voenniy Obozrevatel Telegram writes about it.

On June 23, 2006, the French Navy commissioned the new reconnaissance vessel Dupuy de Lom, named after the outstanding French shipbuilder Dupuy de Lom. Unlike its two predecessors, this ship is specially designed to accommodate MINREM (Moyen Interarmées Naval de Recherche ElectroMagnétique) equipment. Its task is to capture and analyze all types of signals, including signals received from satellites. In this regard, the French Minister of Defense emphasized: “This vessel will carry out strategic interceptions from satellites, which will allow us to be one step ahead in the fight against terrorism.” The Dupuis-de-Lomme crew has been reduced to 30 people and employs approximately 80 DRM specialists. and/or DGSE. For the first time in the history of the French Navy, this ship was designed and built specifically for electronic reconnaissance in the interest of DRM and became the successor to Bougainville.

The Dupuy de Lomme electronic radio includes two DRBN-38A navigation radars, the “Syracuse” and “Inmarsat” satellite communication system stations, the ARBR-21 radar exposure warning and radar identification station, the radio and radio intelligence stations. complexes. These make it possible to detect, transmit and perform technical analysis of emissions of various radars in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 90 GHz and also to capture, transmit and listen for signals from communication systems (including satellites) in the frequency range from 30 kHz to 100 GHz. The ship's equipment is able to capture the latest types of transmissions, including e-mail messages and conversations on mobile phones.

In April 2014, shortly after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, “Dupuy de Lom” was present in the Black Sea.

Источник www.mk.ru

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