The infamous British destroyer and Dutch frigate left the Black Sea

The British destroyer D36 Defender and the Dutch frigate F805 Evertsen, which held provocations near the Russian border last week, left the Black Sea on July 2.

Photo: still from video

According to sites monitoring the passage of ships through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, as NATO ships proceeded to the Mediterranean. On June 23, a British Navy destroyer breached Russia's naval border off the coast of Crimea. During the “straight line”, President Putin called the incident a complex provocation involving the United States in addition to the United Kingdom. He noted that if the intruder was sunk, it was unlikely that World War III would begin.

On 24. June, a Dutch frigate almost provoked the Crimean bridge, to which was the title. Russian Air Force planes forced him to change direction.


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