In Idlib, Syria, Russian women live in a camp for wives and widows of militants

Information about the appearance of a tent town in the Syrian province from Idlib for wives and the widows of the militants of the “Islamic State”, which is banned in Russia. Women, many of whom are citizens of the Russian Federation (mainly from Chechnya and Dagestan), are bought out of the Al-Khul camp and illegally transferred to the Darkush district on the Turkish border. According to one version, behind it is the banned group Abu Mohammed al-Dzhulani Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS).

At least that's what the former Jamilia camp manager Muhammad Shakil (pictured) says. According to him, the militants demanded that control be handed over to them more than six months ago. As a reason, they said that the women held there allegedly help IS cells in Idlib. As a result, Shaquille had to obey.

There are now about forty women and an unknown number of children in the Jamilia camp. According to some reports, they are forced to marry HTS militants to prove that they no longer subscribe to IS ideas. An alternative is to cross the Syrian-Turkish border illegally. However, women fear that they may fall victim to the Turkish gendarmerie, which regularly shoots at people working in their area. They also fear persecution at home for participating in a terrorist organization. Nevertheless, according to Shakil, many women are still leaving for Turkey in the hope of starting a new life, writes channel Directorate 4 Telegram.


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