Al Jazeera: only one country is able to repel Russia

Photos: Photos from the video

Disclaimer By channel Al-Jazeera has been provoked by the British government of Defense Minister Nick Carter about the possibility of a “random” war with Russia in the ruling circles of Europe. The warning is in line with concerns expressed by British MI6 intelligence officials. “So today, only Britain can repel Russia,” the channel said. In addition, the British media recently announced that London was ready to send 600 military specialists to Ukraine. Some experts say the risks of war are higher now than ever before, while others believe there will be no war. For example, the leader of the anti-stop movement “Stop the War” Chris Boyle noted that Russia has experience with military interventions in Ukraine and other countries. Therefore, any move towards Ukraine can be interpreted as a pretext for war.

Professor Taher Abbas of the Institute for Security and Global Relations (ISGA) believes that Carter made his statement exclusively for the press and political circles, and that a real military confrontation is out of the question. Abass only agrees with Boyle that the crisis in Russia-West relations is very complex and cannot be resolved quickly.


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