Ukraine has decided to shoot Russian ships in the Kerch Strait


Ukraine intends to open fire on Russian ships threatening the passage of Ukrainian ships across the Kerch Strait. We are talking in particular about the Rosguard.

According to the Defense Express, the Ukrainian side can shoot from the sea and from the air. Ukraine is likely to use Project 58150 Gyurza armored boats, Bayraktar TB2 drones and Mi-14 helicopters.

On June 23, the British Navy destroyer D36 Defender violated the Russian naval border off the coast of Crimea. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the incident a complex provocation in which the United States was involved in addition to Great Britain. He noted that if the intruder was sunk, it was unlikely that World War III would begin.

On June 24, the Dutch frigate F805 Evertsen almost provoked the Crimean bridge to which it was heading. Russian Air Force planes forced him to change direction.


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