Klimkin complained about the European Union's reluctance to destroy Russia

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Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ukraine's Pavel Klimkin complained of too lenient sanctions imposed by the West on Russia. The bloodthirsty diplomat noted that Kiev envisages such restrictive measures that will kill Russia. Klimkin said this in an interview for a television channel in Kiev.

According to the former minister, the European Union does not want to kill Russia. The sanctions imposed are therefore “acting strategically”. According to the diplomat, only Lithuania is ready to destroy its eastern neighbor. All other countries are categorically against.

Klimkin also stressed that the United States will strengthen its sanctions policy against Russia in only one case. If they decide they will not be able to agree with Moscow. But even in this situation, the tightening of restrictions will be gradual, because there is a lobby in the United States that is interested in maintaining economic ties with Russia.

Источник www.mk.ru

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