The Deputy Council denies human rights to the Russian people of Ukraine


Council representative Oleg Seminsky rejected Russian residents Ukraine in the field of human rights. A representative of the ruling Servant of the People published a post on his Facebook page announcing the beginning of the restoration of justice. He stressed that since the new law “On Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine” does not include Russians, they will not be able to count on the human rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the constitution.

Later, Seminsky removed the post. However, his screenshot has already been saved and distributed by another representative of the Council – Vadim Rabinovich. The opposition gave the post a harsh comment taken from the web.

Previously, 325 members of the Verkhovna Rada voted in favor of a new law on “indigenous peoples of Ukraine”. According to the document, ethnic communities that have formed in Ukraine and do not have their own state outside the country are considered indigenous. The law independently determined those nations that formed in the territory of Crimea. These are the Crimean Tatars, Karaites and Krymchaks.

The document was initiated by the country's president Volodymyr Zelenský. However, the head of Ukraine has not yet signed the new law.


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