“Nam Khan”: Americans comment on Putin's new speech on “sight”

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Fox News readers commented a speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on defense and the military-industrial complex. Putin announced the need to strengthen the country's air defenses. Putin also pointed to the entrance of the American ship Mount Whitney. into the waters of the Black Sea. “ We can look at it through binoculars or across the range of relevant defense systems, & # 39; & # 39; said the president.

The publication emphasizes that Russia has repeatedly expressed its concern about NATO's frequent flights and maneuvers. forces near their own borders.

The Americans noted in comments that Joe Biden was able to start a new Cold War in the nine months of his reign and disappointed his allies. “Joe has made great efforts to restore his former glory to Russia, the world's nuclear gas station,” readers added.

Some say that Russia's “courage” is caused by rising oil and gas prices, which will lead to additional funds for rearmament. Someone compares the military budgets of Russia and the United States. The first has $ 41 billion, Americans & ndash; $ 715 billion. Some believe that money does not matter because America is experiencing serious migration problems and the country has established a “communism” that Russia has previously rid itself of. “ The future is yours and we are the chan, & # 39; & # 39; addressed to one Russian reader.

The Americans also advise them to stop making Russia an enemy, because it can become an ally against China. Others advise not to escalate relationships with any of these powers. “ First we attract enemies from Russia and China, and then we are surprised that they trust us, & # 39; & # 39; say commentators.

Источник www.mk.ru

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