The Ukrainian general said why Russia would not be able to defeat Ukraine

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In the case of a potential armed conflict with Ukraine, Russia will use not only conventional weapons but also military space technology, said in an interview with Apostrophe TV; former head of the SBU, Colonel General Igor Smeshko. He believes that Ukraine will not be able to respond adequately to the Russian threat. Russia surpasses it in all respects. And yet & nbsp; Kiev has a chance to defend itself.

“ At the last exercise of the Russian Federation, where military space forces were involved, we saw in their arsenal of aircraft, the same Tu-160, Tu-90, which can hit a target at a distance of 3500 km, & # 39 ; & # 39; Smeshko remarked. Nevertheless, he admits that Russia will not be able to win the war against Ukraine. And the whole point is that 140 million will not be able to control 40 million populations. “ They can enter, they can occupy territory, but how do they get out of this situation? & # 39; & # 39; – Smeshko asked a rhetorical question.

The general believes that the Ukrainian army was at its peak until the days of Yushchenko, when the sale of military equipment began. By 2006, even surplus weapons and equipment were in line with recovery plans. Now the main task of Ukrainian politicians is & ndash; draw up a plan for the strategic use of the army. At the same time, it is a serious problem, because neither the leadership of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense nor the General Staff have people able to engage in strategic military planning.


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