The expert appreciated Putin's words about the supervision of Russian territories

Vladimir Klimanov believes that this initiative will increase the Centre's involvement in the regional agenda

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will soon make proposals to oversee the country's deputy prime ministers. President Vladimir Putin said this on Wednesday on the “ direct line“. & nbsp; The Head of the IPEI RANEPA Regional Policy Center, Vladimir Klimanov, answered two key questions that were asked following the proposed initiative & mdash; what dictates the decision and what effect it can have.

“ According to the first article of the constitution, Russia is a federal state. Therefore, along with federal ones, there are also regional government bodies. According to federal principles, there is a vertical delimitation of the powers of government bodies. However, this does not mean that the Federation is not responsible for the development of the territory, the well-being of the citizens living on it.

The decision to oversee a specific territory only by the Deputy Prime Minister of the federal government at first glance does not fit into the logic of federal construction. In fact, it will increase the centre's involvement in the regional agenda, “ Klimanov said.

According to an expert in domestic practice, there is a practice of deconcentration of functions in the system of public administration. The Institute of Plenipotentiaries of the President in Federal Districts has been operating for more than two decades. Many ministries and departments have territorial departments that do not always coincide with the boundaries of one federation entity. For five geostrategically important areas & ndash; Far East, Arctic Zone, North Caucasus Federal District, Crimea and Kaliningrad Region & ndash; state programs of the Russian Federation were adopted.

“ Since 2019, the practice of direct supervision of 10 separate regions lagging behind in their development by federal ministers has been introduced.

Therefore, the appointment of deputy prime ministers is under the supervision of individual territories, not just the Far East and the Arctic Zone, for which Yu.P. Trutnev, will make it possible to more quickly identify the problems of socio-economic development of regions, activate their potential and reduce the risks of crisis situations, & # 39; & # 39; summed up Klimanov.


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