Riga Mayor Stakis was banned from entering Russia due to an incident with flags

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Russia has banned the mayor of Riga from entering Martins Stakis due to an incident with the national flag of the Russian Federation. Maria Zakharova, a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, informed about it.

“If he holds an appropriate position, Stakis should know of a generally accepted norm in a world of respectable attitudes toward state symbols. The mayor of Riga should not engage in political hooliganism, but should consider developing trade and economic ties with Russian regions, as his predecessors did successfully. ” During the Hockey World Championships in 2021, Edgar Rinkevich removed the flags of Russia and Belarus, which were in a square in central Latvia, along with other flags of participating countries. The Russian tricolor was replaced by Russian Olympic Committee symbols on instead of Belarus, a white-red-white flag was hung, used by the opposition

Источник www.mk.ru

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