Sohu: The American pilot was “thrown into a cold sweat” due to the Su-30SM maneuver

Photo: Photos from the video of the recent meeting with the Russian Air Force Su-30SM forces in the sky over the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, according to the Chinese portal Sohu. It should be noted that the American reconnaissance aircraft RC-135 was approaching the Russian border and flew to them a Russian fighter, which performed several maneuvers, thus indicating the undesirable presence of Americans in the area.

“The Americans were very scared and the pilot of the reconnaissance plane was thrown into a cold sweat,” the publication said. Then the American plane turned and flew to its base.

It should be noted that the American pilot may have been frightened by a trick called the “air scalpel”, which was once used by a Soviet plane over the Barents Sea in the late 1980s. It consists in the maximum approach and contact of the wing of the enemy aircraft. This can cause serious damage to the fuselage of the aircraft receiving the “surgical” incision.

The provocation of the Americans ended in failure, but it cannot be ruled out that it will be repeated, the Chinese are sure. To prevent this, Beijing and Moscow must join forces. “Russia and China must act together to respond as effectively as possible to American provocations,” the article said.


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