Jinping said that anyone who wants to enslave China will “break his head.”

Photo: Dreamstime.com

President of the PRC, Secretary-General Central Committee The Communist Party Si Jinping said that the Chinese people had never oppressed other nations and would not do so. Anyone who tries to enslave China will “break his head,” he said at a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.

“Chinese people are people who stand for justice and are afraid of threats and violence. We have never oppressed, oppressed or enslaved other nations, it has not happened in the past, it is not in the present and it will not be in the future, “remarked Jinping.

Among other things, he emphasized in his politics that the Chinese people will never be oppressed, oppressed or enslaved by external forces. Anyone who wants to do this “breaks their head against a big wall.”

Recall that a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China took place in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Thursday.

Источник www.mk.ru

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