For those who want to serve in the Air Force and Special Forces, there is no end,
In Russia, there is an autumn conscription of citizens for military service. How will military boarding offices and design commissions work with conscripts in Moscow? What military specialties will conscripts get in the army? What has been done to prevent the spread of infection? These and other questions were answered during an online conference in the editorial office of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Moscow's military commissioner, Major General Viktor Shchepilov, and the military prosecutor of the 231st Military Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow garrison, Justice Colonel Yevgeny Kosyachenko.
Photo: Gennady Cherkasov
– Communication between parents and the military registration and boarding office can be done by telephone. We will answer at any moment where their son or grandson is. Either at the collection point or on the way to the unit. And here comes the painful point related to phones.
I want to remind parents not to give their children phones equipped with radar, internet access and photos. It is forbidden to prevent the unwanted disclosure of military secrets. There is a corresponding presidential decree. We have to do it. The conscript may have a push-button telephone.
If a recruiter who has a push-button phone doesn't call their parents for a long time, they can call us themselves. We'll go to the commander of the military unit, find out why the soldier won't call home, and give the parents the most comprehensive information about it.
V. Schepilov: – Of course. We don't all call for that. For example, if a young man is a student, why should he pass a medical examination? We'll just give him a reprieve.
E. Kosyachenko: – I would also like to add that during the design days for consultation on any issue that arises within the recruitment company. Report any violations, the activities of officials of military commissioners. The Public Prosecutor's Office will respond immediately to any possible violations. This legal advice center is located at the 231st Crew's Prosecutor's Office at: Khoroshovskoe Highway, 38D. Representatives of the military commissariat are always there. Legal aid can be provided to all needy citizens here.