Representative of the Ukrainian Supreme We are pleased with the opposition platform & mdash; For life & # 39; & # 39; Ilya Kiva responded to the statement & nbsp; Armed Forces of Ukraine. The soldiers who served under Kiva said in a video report that the deputy allegedly “ spit on the graves of the Ukrainian army & # 39; & # 39; when he congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his birthday.
In response, Kiva, a retired lieutenant colonel in Ukraine's internal troops, remarked that he had not paid much attention to the discipline of the fighters. In his opinion, the soldiers are not responsible for this thinking. The deputy reminded that when he sat in the trench, he also “ seemed to understand everything“ fires at you, that is, the enemy, the television says that Putin & mdash; means truth. & quot ;.
As a result, a member of the Telegram channel pointed out that he saw the video as a soldier's resistance to his commander. He is sure that his main task at the moment is to rescue Ukrainian soldiers. And now he will take them out of the trenches and “return them to mothers, wives and children, stop the war.”
On October 7, Vladimir Putin turned 69. One of those who congratulated the Russian leader was Kiva. He published a video on his telegram channel calling the President of the Russian Federation a man who writes a “ new history of Slavic peace and unity“. He also quoted Master Yoda from the movie Star Wars.
Subsequently, fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) stated that Kiva allegedly spat on the graves of dead fighters. And now all the citizens of Ukraine must “ spit in the face & # 39; & # 39; representatives of the people, the soldiers believe.
In addition, the head of the Executive Committee of the “ UDAR Party 'Vitali Klitschko & # 39; & # 39; Arthur Palatny insisted on punishing Kiva for high treason. He said it was “ the seventh year of the undeclared war & # 39; & # 39 ;, thousands of people died, tens of thousands became orphans and widows.