Readers Chinese edition Guancha commented on the publication of Russia's response to the American threat of expulsion of 300 Russian diplomats. According to Senator Marc Rubio, such a measure would be a reaction to the reluctance of the Russian Federation to increase the number of diplomatic visas for Americans working at the embassy in Moscow. Russia's foreign ministry said it could simply close all US consulates and embassies in the country.
“Whoever proposes such steps is obviously trying to close US foreign missions in Russia,” said a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Many Chinese likened the United States to a “dog.” “Why do some U.S. senators bite like crazy dogs?” Asks one commentator. However, many believe that these are all Rubio's political games for the public to gain more support before the election. There is no US national interest in severing relations with Russia, and Rubio is also Cuban, others add.
“The vast majority of readers noted the adequacy of Moscow's response. “The response of the Russians is simply amazing!”, “There are legends about Russia's power!”