In the US, they called the advantages of the Su-35 compared to the US F-22

Cheaper and better equipped

Unlike the Russian fighter Su-35 generation 4 ++, the American fighter 5th generation F-22 Raptor has a number of significant shortcomings. . They were analyzed by the American magazine The National Interest.


In particular, the publication noted that the Raptor does not have an infrared search and tracking system. In addition, it lacks side radars.

Article F-22 Raptor is one of the most modern combat aircraft in the world. “However, it turned out that the American secret fighter is not as invulnerable as we previously thought,” the American magazine concludes. “For example, the infrared is blind, although several of its likely opponents, including the Russian Su-35, have built-in infrared sensors that allow them to find the heat trace of other aircraft.”

The analyst further states that the F-22 does not have side radars capable of launching missiles at targets, which automatically aim at the enemy when maneuvering. “Without such radar, the F-22 must always be aimed at enemy aircraft, which makes it vulnerable to enemy fire,” the author concludes.

The magazine explained the reasons for the shortcomings of the American fifth-generation fighter. In 1985, the US Air Force placed contracts with several US companies worth a total of $ 1.4 billion. American American corporations such as Boeing, Lockheed and General Dynamics, as well as Northrop and McDonnell Douglas took part in the competition.

On October 31, 1986, the US Air Force Lockheed and Northrop declared the winner. The corporation was given four years to build a prototype. The future F-22 aircraft was inconspicuously, with supersonic speed, reliability and low labor costs for technical support.

But two years later, the customer suddenly set the marginal cost of manufacturing an avionics complex (avionics) for the F-22 at up to $ 9 million per set. At the same time, the finished design of Lockheed aviation avionics cost more than $ 16 million. In order to meet the specified criteria, the engineers had to leave the IRST (Infrared Search and Tracking System – “MK”) and some other systems, including the aforementioned side radars.

The US Air Force had no idea which part of the future fighter the corporation decided to leave to fit the set costs. As a result, the American magazine writes sadly: “And 27 years later, it turned out that the main rival of the F-22, the Russian Su-35, owns what the American fighter does not have: IRST and side radars.”

In general, the F-22 has become one of the most expensive aircraft in the world for military aviation. According to some reports, the price of one sample is $ 350 million, taking into account operating costs. At this price, the warrior becomes truly “golden.” A conventional 1 gram of unfused F-22 aircraft equals approximately $ 15 and 1 gram of gold-approximately $ 30.

The cost of the Su-35S is estimated at approximately $ 50-70 million.


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