CDU leader Laschet named the condition for stopping Nord Stream 2

Photo: Still from the video

Leader of the ruling Christian party in the German Democratic Party Union (CDU) and Chancellor-designate Armin Laschet said in an interview with ARD that stopping Nord Stream 2 is possible if the project turns out to be against Ukraine. He emphasized that this had been discussed before.

“If President Putin does not follow this rule and applies it against Ukraine, it is possible to stop at any time, even if the pipeline is ready, because then the basis of the agreement will disappear,” Laschet said. He added that Europe has always sent the right signals and that the project itself is of a purely economic nature.

Laschet said this during a joint interview with Green candidates and SPD chancellors Annalena Berbock and Olaf Scholz. He noted that Russia should ensure the transit of gas through the territory of Ukraine and Germany should cooperate with Kiev in the survey of hydrogen fuel supplies.

Berbock made a tougher statement, saying that Nord Stream 2 was aimed at destabilizing the situation in Ukraine and should not be completed. The pipeline is not a purely economic project, said politician Lashet. The Green Leader recalled that the pipeline must obtain another permit under the EU Gas Directive that its operator cannot own the pipeline. This is a chance to block the completion of the construction of Nord Stream 2.


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