“I'm overwhelmed with anger!”: Zapashny appealed to the authorities after “Scarlet Sails”

Photo: Social Networks

Circus artist and TV presenter Edgard Zapashny seriously criticized, which took place at the festival of graduates in St. Petersburg “Scarlet Sails”. It should be recalled that thousands of young people had gathered there the day before against a ban on holding mass events to admire the passage of the Rossiya Brig under scarlet sails. A mass concert with the participation of a number of stars was also held in the city center.

As can be seen in the photos and videos published on the network, the participants of the event were without masks and did not observe social distance. Zapashny stressed that he was impressed by such an honest example of double standards. “I am literally overwhelmed with anger!” – Zapashny began an appeal to the Russian authorities.

Photo: Still from the video

The artist recalled the recent disease records and new restrictions introduced by the authorities. “This is your handiwork – what happened in St. Petersburg tonight!” He wrote. Zapashny reminded that Russians now have to use QR codes only for food, playgrounds are closed, restaurants do not work at night. Zapashny pointed out that officials by any means are trying to get people vaccinated and immediately organize festivals with multiple audiences using budget money.

“You just make fun of common sense and provoke people to hate you! This is impossible, “Zapashny added.

It is worth noting that some Russian artists, especially Vitaly Gogunsky, Oscar Kuchera, Ruslan Alekhno, illusionist Sergei Safronov, ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, criticized the authorities under this record … “Evil is not enough!” They want to stage a coup with such actions! “Kuchera remarked.

Источник www.mk.ru

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